DIY: Wall Jewelry Organizer (Easy + Simple)

by - 2:00 PM

Wall Jewelry Organizer

What you need:
Timeframe: <15 minutes (depends on how indecisive you are)

I made this a couple of months ago and I'm still using it -- which says something, doesn't it? (Mostly because I get tired of things quickly!)

How to make your jewelry organizer:
  1. Decide where you are going to hang your jewelry organizer.
  2. Bring out all of your jewelry. Depending on how many pieces you need to hang, you may need quite a lot of paper clips. Begin carefully hooking paper clips onto the hanger. You don't want to bend them too much -- because once they're bent, they're hard to get back into place.
  3. Once the paper clips are on, carefully hook your necklaces, bracelets and whatever else you choose/will fit onto them. I don't have very much jewelry, so this didn't take me very long.
  4. Hang on the wall, either using duct tape or another method. And voila! It's complete!


Don't have a spare clothes hanger laying around? Perhaps you have one of the items below. :)

  • Ribbon (thinner would probably be better, so you can hook your paper clips on it without too much struggle). You can pin, nail, tape or hang the ends to the wall so that the ribbon is nice and taught. That way, your necklaces don't sink to the middle.
  • String (same thing as the ribbon - keep it taught)
  • Wire, yarn, thin metal rod, wooden dowel... Keep your creative mind open!

BONUS: Earring Braid

What you need:
  • Yarn or thick string
  • Safety pin (for convenience)

How to make it:

Measure and cut three strands of yarn or thick string to your desired length. Your braid will be slightly shorter in comparison to the strands individually so you may want to cut them just a little longer than desired. I cut my string to about 17 inches each (only because I wanted to use it up so it wasn't taking up space).

Now line up your strings and poke a safety pin through the end of each. You should now have one end of each string on your paper clip. Close the safety pin, tie a knot as close to it as you can get, and then begin braiding. You want your braid to be on the looser side so you can poke your earrings through.

When you're finished, knot the end, trim if necessary, and hang on one of the paper clips. Poke your earrings through and you're done.

Timeframe: <5 minutes (depends on length of braid)

I used this for earrings that have posts (they're straight and have the backing you have to slide on them to keep them on the ear), but I'm sure you could thread wire earrings through the braid as well. If you're not comfortable with that, you can hang the earrings along the hanger (/ribbon/wire/etc.).

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Does this DIY seem doable? Make sure to share YOUR version with me @adultingandafraid (Instagram)!

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  1. GAH I am always trying to find some place to hang all my necklaces. This is a cool life hack! :-) <3

  2. Ooh, this is such a great organizer!!
