Finding Out What We're NOT Meant To Do

by - 1:00 PM

This summer I volunteered to participate in my church's day camp.

It was something new they decided to do this year. In the 7 weeks leading up to VBS, for three days a week -- Monday through Wednesday -- we would accept kids from Kindergarten to fifth grade at 8:00AM and do tons of fun things with them until 4:00PM. And then we'd clean and leave sometime between 5:00 and 6:00PM.

Let's just say it was an interesting experience. A big change if you will.

Ever since those weeks I've known that God hasn't called me to work with children -- at least not in that age range and not long term. It was draining for me. And that's not to say that I have anything against children. I walked away from that camp loving those kids. Each and every one of them was so bright and talented. But I had no idea how to get them to respect me or want to obey me. I had no idea how to handle them when they started wandering off down the street or putting themselves in timeout just "because".

I have a newfound respect for Elementary school teachers.

Two years ago I wrote a post on my writing blog called God-given desires. It was an entry about how, when I was a kid, I could never understand why someone would desire to be something I had never desired to be. I never understood until my mother said to me, "God puts different desires in everyone."

This is a spin off of that.

I'm currently in a season in my life where I'm unsure of what step to take next. Admittedly, I'm terrified to even move. So I say yes to things like babysitting and church camp because I almost have to try. I want to help and serve, but I also want to know if that area is something God has gifted me in (even if finding that out is not my initial focus).

Working with kids is not one of them. Don't get me wrong, kiddos are great. But most of the time I think I'm sinking, not surfing. Therefore I will continue to broaden my horizons and search for what it is God has called me to do. Some clues I've picked up: I love singing and messing around on the piano. I could become a worship leader. And I always come back to my writing, even if I can't get to it every day.

In my life, God has often shown me what I don't want before He gives me what I do. In written word, this may not seem so frustrating, but trust me, when it's something you "seem" to encounter often, it can make a person weary. I think this is one of the many ways God has used life to build trust with me. Once He captures my attention, He whispers, "I've got your back. Don't get discouraged. I am here for you."

God has commanded us to be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9). Even in the things that seem mundane.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

What are some areas in your life where you feel like God has shown you what you DON'T want?

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  1. I love your heart and willingness to serve in an area that may not be your favorite! Teaching and working with young kids is DIFFICULT. I've been there! What comes naturally for one may not be easy for another. For instance, one of my friends is super missions-minded and loves taking trips to other countries and that has never been something the Lord has put on my heart in particular.

    Like you, I love to write and play music. I think you should pursue that and pray about ways the Lord can use those talents! One way could be to write letters to missionaries or serve on the praise band. Thank you for including that verse! Super encouraging! :) <3

  2. This is such a good reminder! Sometimes it really can be helpful to learn what we're NOT meant to do, honestly.
