Drinking More Water

by - 12:00 PM

Since November of 2016 I have been making an effort to drink more water.

Today I thought I'd share my tips and tricks on how to consume for water. Because things like this can be kind of intimidating, and maybe even a little annoying. Like, why bother?

Imma tell yah.


In studies, drinking more water has been linked to:
  • Clearing your head and making it easier to stay focused.
  • Weight loss. Someone told me once that when they feel hungry, it's really their body telling them they need to drink more water. So when you get the hunger pangs, instead of eating, trying drinking water. This may not be the case 100% of the time, it's a cool habit to get into.
  • Headache prevention. (Score!)
  • Clearer skin. (Double score!)

And much much more!

But it's not just enough to read about the benefits and then not put it into action. So let's take the steps to making this into a habit.

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1. Put a water bottle right by your bed.

If your water bottle is the first thing you see in the morning, it will be easier to remember (and accomplish) your Drink More Water goal.

2. Make it SMART.

Specific - Who, what, where, when, why, which
Measurable - From and to
Actionable - How
Relevant - Worthwhile
Timely - When

Example: I want to drink 96oz. of water a day starting today so that I have clearer skin, a clearer mind, and a healthier body.

3. Carry your bottle with you.

Everywhere. I mean it. EVERYWHERE. It may seem awkward at first, but when you're lugging around a water bottle along with everything else, you'll want to make it lighter.

Plus, if you're out with friends and you're tempted to get that sugary soda, your water bottle will be there, staring you in the eyes, daring you to make the choice...

Not that that's ever happened to me. Hahaha... ha...

4. Actively choose water.

I mentioned this above, but I thought I could make it a point of its own. With the goal to drink more water, you'll want to make sure it's always a choice.

You're not completely abandoning every other drink. You can still drink your favorite beverage (my weakness is root beer) every once in a while as a little treat. But I suggest that water be in the majority -- NOT the minority.

5. Find what you like best.

My favorite way to drink water?

Slightly colder than room temperature.

For the longest time I only filled my bottle with ice cold water (the kind of ice cold that makes your bottle freak out and start sweating). Not only was this messy, but I also noticed that I didn't want to drink that much water because it was so cold.

Also feel free to look into the bottled water brands -- it may be "just water", but I swear, companies taste different.

Take action: Buy yourself a cute water bottle and make the choice to drink more water.

Are you convinced? Let me know in the comments below! What does your water bottle look like? Do you have a favorite brand? Do you like simpler posts better or lengthier posts better? And in what way would you say this is connected to this month's theme, Change?

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  1. I've recently jumped on board the "HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE" train, and I love it. XD Honestly I just kind of force myself to drink a glass of water whenever I pass through the kitchen, and it works pretty well. I'm drinking so much more water than I used to, and it feels great. I also really have found that drinking a full glass of water first thing in the morning gives me so much more energy and really wards off headaches!

    1. That's awesome, Grace! :) Drinking more water has really helped out my skin. I used to have really bad texture all over my forehead but now most of it is gone. XD

      I'm glad you're just as enthusiastic about this as I am. ;)

  2. YUS water is the best! I never used to drink a lot of water until my junior year of high school when I joined the track team. Now I'm hooked! These are great tips. I totally have to put water bottles in plain sight of me otherwise I will forget to drink. Love it! :)
